Here are the instructions on how to register.

Benefits Service Center is used for new hire elections, family status changes or making changes during yearly open enrollment. Call 800-605-6031, hours are 8:00 AM until 6:00 P M Monday thru Friday.

Keith Harbin- Benefits Representative

Phone Number 704-822-7409

1  Click on the above link

2  Click Register Here

3  Last 4 of your SS number

4  Add your name

5  Add your year of birth

6  Click Continue to the next page

7  Add a user name  (Example: Ricky Falls) write this name down, you will need it later.

8  Confirm the user name

9  Add a password  (Example Ronnie@32) write this password down, you will need it later.

10 Confirm the password

11 Select two security questions. Write these down.

12 Add an email address

13 confirm the email address

14 Add your cell number

15 confirm your cell number

16 Accept the terms, continue

17 A six digit number will be sent to your email, enter the code.

18 A six digit number will be sent to your cell phone, enter this code.

19 Now you can continue to run a pension estimate, pick the age or date you want to retire and the age or date you want to start receiving your pension. You can run a single estimate or run three estimates at one time.

Members wishing to pay their medical payment missed can now click on this link. Sedgwick2304 Paynow

Premise Healthcare, Daimler Healthcare Clinic Gastonia

2605 Green Meadow Dr.

Gastonia, N C 28052

877-685-5886 Call for appointments.

The MySedgwick tool is used for: • Reporting New Claims and Absences to Sedgwick • Viewing your absence information and current approval status • Uploading documents & setting your preference for email or text • Updating your RTW & viewing your leave balances • Contacting your examiner once a claim has been submitted and established.

​The On-Line tool is available from your smartphone, tablet, PC or through any web browser at: You can also scan the QR code using your smart phone device.

Benefit News

The Sedgwick DTNA Disability & Leave Center On-line Reporting Tool

Below is a link to the new pension calculator. You can also call this number 1-855-409-9452 to have your pension estimate mailed to your home.

Instructions for the tool can be found here.